Miyerkules, Hunyo 21, 2017


I. HOUSE BILLS A. Number of House Bills Filed.............................5831 National Application.................................. 4198 Local Application......................................1633 Number of House Bills Referred to Various Committees...... 5817 National Application................................... 4196 Local Application...................................... 1621 B. Number of House Bills Acted Upon by the House.......... 221 1. Enacted/Lapsed into Law .......................... 4 National Application....... ....................... 4 Local Application................................... 0 2. Vetoed by the President............................ 0 National Application................................. 0 Local Application..................................... 0 3. Approved on Third Reading............................. 204 a. Pending Action by the Senate....................... 179 National Application............................ 48 Local Application............................... 131 b. Pending in Conference Committee................ 1 National Application........................ 1 Local Application............................. 0 c. Pending Presidential Action................... 25 National Application........................ 7 Local Application........................... 18 4. Approved on Second Reading....................... 13 National Application............................... 6 Local Application.................................. 7 II. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS Number of House Joint Resolutions Filed..............................13 Number of House Joint Resolutions Pending With Committee..........12 Number of House Joint Resolutions Pending Action by the Senate.... 1 Number of House Joint Resolutions Adopted by Both Houses.......... 0 Number of House Joint Resolutions Adopted by the House............ 0 Number of House Joint Resolutions Enacted Into Law................ 0 III. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Number of House Concurrent Resolutions Filed........................ 10 Number of House Concurrent Resolutions Pending With Committee .... 5 Number of House Concurrent Resolutions Adopted by the House....... 5 Number of House Concurrent Resolutions Concurred by the Senate.... 0 IV. HOUSE RESOLUTIONS Number of Resolutions Filed........................................1057 Number of Resolutions Referred to Various Committees............ 991 Number of Resolutions Adopted by the House....................... 63 V. RESOLUTION OF BOTH HOUSES (RBH) Number of RBH Filed................................................... 9 Number of RBH Pending Approval...................................... 9 Number of RBH Approved by the House................................. 0 Number of RBH Approved by the Senate............................... 0 Number of RBH Enacted into Law...................................... 0
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