Lunes, Hunyo 12, 2006


DATE: AUGUST 15, 2005

Assistant Mall Manager

Dear Sir:

May we appeal to your sense of fairness and urgency to finally issue a decision on our request, which have been pending in your office for more than a month now.

To refresh, we submitted ourrequest last July 13, 2005 to allow us install our own aircon unit in view of the mall’s faltering cooling system.

The following has transpired since then:

1st week of July 2005 – We verbally requested assistant operations manager Engr. Susi to allow us install our own aircon unit. Mr. Susi said he will order his staff to look into it. A few days after, Engr. Erwin came down to make an inspection.

2nd week of July 2005 - Engr. Susi gave a vaguely favorable feedback. He, however, insisted that the maintenance team rehabilitating the mall’s aircon be given more time to fix the problem. We agreed to wait for another week.

July 13, 2005 - After informing him that the aircon system was still weak, Engr. Susi started discussing possibility of allowing us to install our own unit. He said it should only be 1 horsepower and should strictly comply with the electrical load limit. Engr. Susi told us to formally write down our request, which would then be transmitted to the main office for final “approval.” In the afternoon of July 13, 2005, we submitted our formal request.

Engr. Susi said the wait for a feedback could last for 3 days. He instructed Engr. Erwin to make the necessary follow-up.

( In between the waiting, we sent up our electrician, Mr. Gerry, to discuss the electrical load restrictions with Engr. Susi and Engr. Erwin. )

July 19, 2005 - In a telephone conversation, Engr. Susi said the main office has yet to “bring down” their decision while noting that the request of Mercury Drug and other tenant were already on its way.

Engr. Susi promised to come back to us within that week.

July 22, 2005 - Mr. Erwin came to our shop and informed us that Engr. Warren has ordered another evaluation for at least 1 week.

August 11, 2005 – Mr. Erwin over the phone said a “speed-up” has been made and should have resulted positively. We insisted that nothing has changed and that clients continue to complain about the heat.

Mr. Erwin then asked for another “evaluation” period, which he said should be from August 12 to 14. He said a decision was forthcoming on August 15, Monday.

August 13, 2005 – Engr. Susi and his team came down and conducted the inspection.

August 14, 2005 – Mr. Erwin over the telephone reiterated that a decision would be issued Monday. He said they have yet to inform Engr. Warren of their findings.

August 15, 2005 – Engr. Erwin was not around while Engr. Susi was on his day-off.

Needless to say, we can’t afford to wait another month for a decision while our sales are declining due to poor aircon system.

Thank you.

Dennis Gadil/Zaldy de Layola

Cc/Mr. Kenrick/main office Quotes